A new year, new me? It’s easy to make personal resolutions, but resolutions for couples are just as important.

Also while some may argue New Year’s Resolutions are pointless or faux pas, I’d give those naysayers the middle finger. There is never a wrong time to start being a better version yourself but also never a wrong time to start becoming a better partner. So why not kick start the new year with a few resolutions for couples?!

Whether you’re newly dating, or dating for a while, married or in an “it’s complicated” understanding , there is always room for improvement to make your relationship happier and better for the both of you.

I’ve created a few goals covering generalized aspects of mind, body, heart, and money. To keep things short and sweet we’ve come up with of 4 couple’s resolutions for you and your significant other.

1.Body– Sweat together- this includes in and out of bed or in and out of the gym.

Yoga classes, jogging, run a half marathon together. Just do physical activities together that challenge both of you. Nothing brings people closer to together than struggling and striving for a common goal.

If you both have goals to lose weight or have goals to start a diet, it helps to have a supportive partner to help push you for success towards your goals.

Other aspects of getting physically stronger can also be found in showing more intimacy towards each other. Hold hands, cuddle, hug, kiss more.

Maybe get massages together or spa together.

Look after each other’s health. You’re only as strong as your weakest link. If you or your partner starts to stray from the goal, talk about ways you can gently remind them without coming off as judgemental. Be sure to talk and plan what you two will say BEFORE starting this resolution! Planning before what and how to say an gentle reminder can save you from future arguments 😉

Not only will you physically grow strong together but your relationship muscles will also strengthen.

2. 💓 Heart- Gratitude- saying thank you and giving praise more often and saying “I love you”.

Also showing gratitude through actions like helping with chores or a thank you / “just because” gift are other ways of showing gratitude.

Lessen criticism on each other and focus on the positives your partner brings you.

It is easy to nit-pick and nag but the bigger picture is that you’re in this relationship together to feel and receive love as well as to share and give love.

The little things do matter and add up. Small , simple gestures and verbal affirmations like ‘Thank You’ should not be taken for granted.

It is easy to fall into complacency and get into the daily grind of life and have certain expectations from your partner; however, gratitude and appreciation never gets old.

3. Mind– Learn together- this could be about anything. Read a book together, watch and share a documentary together, take a cooking class or foreign language class together.

I highly recommend reading “5 love languages” as a couple’s read.

But also, why not learn from each other? Everyone is good at something, at least maybe one thing, and therefore is capable of teaching you something new about something you don’t know about.

I am a registered nurse, my darling is an engineer so we often learn from the other’s profession. He teaches me about how computers work, sciency and techy things that I know very little about; i.e. random topics such as “How does a thermoflask keep your water cold so long” to “Why do bags of chips expand, or my ears pop when we drive up a mountain?”

But he also takes interest in my work and asks about medical/nursing topics that I am more knowledgeable in.

It helps me learn and understand his work better. Not only are you learning something new academically but I’m also learning more about who my partner is when he’s teaching me.

When you learn from your partner/ significant other it’s a great reminder of how awesome, attractive and impressive this person is.

4. Money- Money, oftentimes, is a sensitive conversation couple’s don’t feel comfortable with having.

Second to infidelity, the topic of money is one of the leading causes for couple’s to divorce. It may possibly be that you have one spendy partner and the other frugal or have a mountain of debt which may be a root cause of many of your arguments.

Talk about creating a financial plan together. It may be a collective goal to decrease your debt, save money for a down payment on a home, saving money for a wedding, or sharing and splitting expenses.