Life is like a conveyor belt: your past self standing on one end, sending packages to present day you on the other end.

A lot of things going on in your life today, good and bad, was in some form sent to you by your past self . Those decisions, actions or inactions will lead you down different paths.


Go to school, study hard, ace your exams, get a degree, have a career, gain financial independence, and retire early.


Skip class, party, fail your exams, drop of out school, live paycheck to paycheck, and work until you die.

This concept can be applied to all areas of life: relationships, health, careers, finances. You can either sit on the couch with burger in hand or have a salad after hitting the gym; either spend and gamble or save and invest your money; choose to hang out with family and people who care about you or spend it with fake and jealous friends who don’t have your back.
In all cases, the immediate consquences are not felt.. but sooner or later these decisions will build and compound into either a life of fulfillment and great accomplishments OR be turned into wasted time with a life of wishful should’ve, could’ve, would’ve done things differently.

You can’t change the past and whatever you choose to place on the conveyor belt of your life NOW, it will eventually find its way to yourself in the future.

Are you setting yourself up for success or failure?

Before making that next big decision, ask yourself: “Will my future self thank me?”

Written by the OA Editor & contributor: Vincent Jison. Instagram:@vince978
Post inspired by @mrmoneymustache ‘s “Are You Giving the Shaft to your Future self?”