So, I recently just came back from a trip from Mexico just last week and I already wish I was back there. I will admit that this trip, I was a little… A LOT unprepared. A busy work schedule and literally packing the night before and morning of the flight, there were a few things I wish I had remembered to pack if only I had prepared sooner. But who’d thought that packing your luggage could also be such a chore sometimes (first world problems). So here’s my checklist of things that you might want to add to your travel checklist for your next trip to Mexico, or even ANYWHERE to your next tropical vacation.
1.Sunscreen – Sounds pretty basic, but I’m a brown girl, I’ve never really thought I needed it so I never used sunscreen growing up and my skin just gets darker and tanned. It wasn’t until now I experienced by first sunburn. You’ll save a couple dollars if you bring it (check in luggage of course) versus purchasing it at the hotel store and pay a crazy amount for convenience. When choosing an SPF, I personally like to choose an SPF of 50+ or higher, my go to choice is the, Coppertone Water Babies SPF 50 Sunscreen Lotion. My rational is if its safe for fragile and sensitive baby skin then it must be extra good. Especially for a day spent out on in the water or pool, I like to layer a spay sunscreen on top of my lotion sunscreen for double coverage. I like the Coppertone Sport Continuous Spray in SPF 50 because is also easy to reapply without having your hands get sticky all the time when you reapply.
2. Eyewear/Sunglasses- The suns rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. You want sunglasses that provide both 100% protection, that is UVA and UVB protection or UV 400 Protection. Not all sunglasses are protective, be aware that just because the lenses are tinted does not ensure protection from the sun. Ray-ban’s offer unisex styles that are classic and timeless; a quality brand with styles that match well with most anything.
3. Headwear/ Hat- Another layer of protection from the sun for your face and eyes. I own a hat like this one here I like wear while in the pool which I don’t mind getting wet. The straw material doesn’t soak up the water with chlorine or salt from the ocean and it dries quickly. For men, a simple trucker hat would suffice, or any hat or snapback you would not mind getting wet to do the job.
4. Bugspray– If you’re prone to mosquito bites then you already know the struggle of the itching and scratching and those small, pink ugly bumps. Â A new country, new environment and new specie of animal, your blood smells and tastes different and they can just smell new blood in the air. I don’t think I have ever been able to find bugspray being sold in a foreign country , at least not in Mexico or Asia/Philippines.
5. Anti-nausea medication- Usually it’s not easy for me to get sick, but while staying at an all-inclusive resort with all you eat Mexican food and alchohol on tap, it made my sister and I queasy on some of the car and boat rides. Luckily neither of us purged our lunches to feed the fishes. My friend had some dramamine in her carry. I have also heard that eating ginger also aides in alleviating motion sickness.
Well, hope this list of recommendations helps. Don’t be like me. So pack early and think ahead.